Wellness through Horsemanship

Our Team of schoolmasters, competition horses and horse experts will help you achieve your wellness and equestrian goals be it natural horsemanship, horse riding, trail riding, competition riding, beach rides, wellness goals, relationship/work/career/personal goals... You are limited only by your imagination and drive. Our Equine Team live a charmed life with acres of paddocks that they rotate through, trail rides, yards for when a storm passes through and lots of pampering. They are only fed the best feed and hay whilst keeping their vitamins, nutrients and minerals on par with their specific needs. If they're at their best then they will support you to be your very best self. Our two legged Team are qualified to support you as you set goals, reflect on who and where you want to be and provide you with strategic tools to achieve your dreams no matter how big or small. Our horses and ponies are trained to an exceptionally high standard and therefore we only support advanced riders apart from our minis who can support beginners - our ground programs are achievable for all.

Don't hesitate - give us a call on 0450957380 to get your journey at EquiTune started.



Nathalie is a qualified life coach, counselor, horsewoman, neuro linguistics practitioner, seichim (sekhem) and reiki master and yoga teacher specialising in yoga nidra and restorative yoga. Nathalie has had a successful corporate world career and is now following her passions to help people with her love of horses. Nathalie has 37 years of horse riding and ownership hands on experience concentrating on high level dressage, show jumping and natural horsemanship in Europe and Australia. Nathalie and the herd have been on this chapter of their journey for the last 8 years with new members being added as they grow. Nathalie volunteers her time supporting clients and the herd by following this path. With a wealth of knowledge and empathy, Nathalie is here to support you on your personal journey and is proud of her herd of talented two and four legged super stars. From off the tracks, to high class warmbloods to used to be wild brumbies to show ponies and everything inbetween - Nat is exceedingly proud of the techniques that we continue to develop and refine to support equine and human partnerships - background, colour, gender and so much more don’t matter - we value every living being as the amazing individuals that they are.


Why choose EquiTune?

  • Our name says it all. Equines in Tune -> EquiTune. Horse and Humans tuning in to each other for each other’s higher and greater good.

  • Tuning in to an Equine partner. Horses become the most popular animal to use in animal therapy because they give immediate feedback to the handler or rider's actions. Horses also have the ability to mirror the feelings of the handler or rider. Horses' large and intimidating appearance forces individuals to gain trust around them. This can be a huge benefit when working with those suffering from mental health issues, as being around and working with horses can help the patient to build confidence, communication skills, trust, social skills, impulse control, and also learn boundaries as every time they respond to the horse, they are provided with immediate feedback.

  • Evidence shows that trauma and mental health is stored in the somatic memory. Negative emotions in particular have a long-lasting effect on the body. We support you through playing with our horses to become more aware of your body and how it wants to be supported. This happens organically whilst learning horse husbandry, horsemanship and so much more. We support you to have your lightbulb moments. We work with you and your needs. One day you may need to sit, groom and be mindful with your equine partner, another day you may want to run, another you may need to giggle, another you may need a tantrum, another you may want to throw hay bales with us - we support you as you need and accept you for who you are.

  • Our horses only work with 1 client per day therefore we don’t have lots of people on the property at any time (except for show days). Therefore we hold space for you as an individual with privacy, respect and supports tailored to meet your individual needs. We have a lot of different areas around the property so each session is the same but different as we go with the flow of what the horse and you need that day.

  • We do our sessions in the outdoors. This can come with sensory challenges but we have found that the love of the horses supports this. We will work with what you need on the day depending on where your stress levels are sitting at.

    Our wet weather alternative is the stables - which is always fun.

  • Our herd of horses are rays of sunshine in our daily lives and we love that we get to share them with you and support you to build a unique bond with them. We pride ourselves on offering our horses a home that meets their natural needs - we ensure their unique diets and likes/dislikes are honoured. Our horse's welfare and including horses in this work ethically is at the core of our values. Horses have their yes and their no listened to as well as yours every step of the way. At EquiTune, you will meet horses who have the freedom to be their true and authentic selves. Horses have the choice to participate in sessions and this ensures those moments of connection are a true reflection of true connection. If your horse is having an off day and doesn’t feel like playing (this has happened), we will listen and often another horse will ask if you would like to play with them OR sometimes your horse wants to play with you in their paddock instead of heading in. We honour their requests as much as yours.

  • Equine assisted therapy is a holistic, experiential and highly specialised form of therapy that involves working in collaboration with a horse, your therapist and an expert horse handler. During sessions, you don't actually ride the horse. Instead, you carry out tasks such as feeding, grooming and leading the horse. At EquiTune we involve horsemanship skill building as well as liberty play whilst building a strong bond with the horse that chooses to play with you.

    Our horses are sensitive and intelligent animals that sense our emotional state even when we are not aware of it. Our unique Healing with Horses or Equine Facilitated Therapy is a complementary alternative therapy and is not about horse riding but about being in-tune with yourself. We use a range of techniques to build a connection with our horses. Become aware of your inner turmoil and feel the empathy from our herd whilst taking the time to heal. Perfect for healing and growth for clients wanting self development. Discover connection and unity. Respect yours and the horse’s “yes” and “no”. Honour your truth. We never blame the horse as they will reciprocate the level at which their client approaches them - this is the client’s time to reflect, honour and work towards being present with no agenda. Join our herd, set your goals and de-stress.

  • Would you like to connect on a deeper level with the sentient beings around you? Use reward focused techniques whilst honoring your horse’s subtle calming signals.

    There are so many types of horsemanship around and you need to find the one that resonates with you. At EquiTune, we strive towards building real connections and honour every being involved. Boundaries are our yes and our no. Do you know what your yes or your no is? How does it feel? Do you honour it? Do you know what a horse’s is? Do you honour it? Do you know how to compromise when necessary? Horses express their boundaries within their herd. Just like us, they all have different tolerance levels. Horses are majestic and intelligent - we strive for a community of like minded beings that truely love interacting with our herd. The relationship between the Horse and Humans grows through patience, trust and a sense of shared presence. Horses at Liberty perceive humans as members of their herd in a role that resembles the Lead Mare, one who is the heart and mind of the herd. Experience being seen, being heard, feeling felt and getting gotten. Experience attunement with horsemanship: a kinaesthetic and sensing of others knowing their rhythm and going beyond empathy to create a two person experience of unbroken connected feeling.

  • Are you a healer who needs a cleanse or support for yourself? You have been drawn to us for an unexplained reason. There is a saying: “You can’t pour from an empty cup…” If you are a healer or helper and you constantly GIVE – now it is your time to TAKE and refill your cup.

    This experience is bespoke to your needs and will be completely private for you. We will take as long as you need with the herd but allow for 2 hours at least for the cost of $500. This works on a high energetic /spiritual level and adapts to the energies that you are fluent in - the herd and Nathalie will need a day or two afterwards to self care so only available on certain Sunday afternoons to correspond with their weekend.

    Send us an email and we will send you date options.

  • At your assessment, you will meet the horses and one will choose to play with you. Do not worry, we have never had not a single horse come forwards though often there are a few volunteers. Sometimes, a horse will also call out as they decide straight away that they are ready to play with YOU.

  • This completely depends on the person and horse. We are here to support YOU. We are totally flexible to work within your boundaries and what you need. We have a wide variety of fun horsey activities that we can tailor to support you each session from catching, grooming, feeding, horsemanship games, liberty play, agility courses, tricks, mindfulness, breathwork, farm chores - to name just a few. We tend to work towards consistency and support yours and your horsey partner’s needs.

  • We find that often your journey will start with the same horse and then it may develop to other members of the herd. This will happen organically and with your and the horse’s consent.

  • Slow down. Listen. Notice. Connect. Without expectations.

    We value our herd of horses as the master teachers that they are. Horses innately will reciprocate the level you approach them from. You are not “in charge”, it is a partnership. Yes horses love to follow but only a leader who shows qualities that will keep them safe and who will be their emotional anchor. Learn to look at experiences for what they give you not what they took from you and your world will change. Accepting what the horses reflect back to you is following connection as a journey and accepting as well as learning from experience allows you to alter your perception. Nothing is a problem when you are not in “wishing for something else” mode.

    Warwick Schiller quote: “people try to ignore basic life principles when dealing with horses. I told this story at a clinic recently…. A man sees a pretty girl walking down the street. He says hello, she ignores him. He starts to follow her, she walks faster away from him. He calls out to her, she starts running. He starts running after her, she runs faster. He tries to kiss her, she kicks him. He emails me asking how to get her to stop kicking him. It’s the same with horses, ignoring the subtle cues and you will ask me how to fix the escalation.”

    We aim to be our horses’ safe place, to have fun with them but also to support and empower them to be successful at every turn. Join us on a journey of self discovery and this ability to be accurate, be self aware, an emotional anchor, have humility, accept the journey, be compassionate and so much more will translate to your human experience.

  • Horses will ask for your boundaries and will ask you to listen to theirs. This is a healthy mutual relationship. Listening to your horse… the process IS the point. LISTENING TO WHEN A HORSE SAYS “YES” AND WHEN THEY SAY “NO” Why listen and hear them whisper? Because it is far more interesting to do so. It may go against your agenda or inconvenience you… it’s often not easier, or necessarily enjoyable but it takes you to the core of your beliefs, your triggers, your blind spots, your saboteurs… it empowers you to be your best version.

  • Natural horsemanship is a collective term for a variety of horse training techniques which have seen rapid growth in popularity since the 1980s. The techniques vary in their precise tenets but generally share principles of "a kinder and gentler cowboy" to develop a rapport with horses, using methods said to be derived from observation of the natural behaviour of free-roaming horses and rejecting abusive training methods.

  • As the name suggests, liberty horse training involves considerable freedom for the horse–he’s free of any tack (true liberty work doesn’t even incorporate a lunge line), and you can’t use your leg, the bit, or a whip to control him. Liberty horse training simply can’t be successful without a bond between you and the horse–he has to respect and trust you enough to listen to your commands when he could simply trot away or stop to graze. Learn how to play with a horse with subtle body language and read theirs as well. Liberty training makes it so you and your horse have to work as a team. Imagine turning your shoulder and walking faster and having the horse pick up a trot right next to you without a whip, without a halter and without a rope.


Murphy was a successful racehorse who still has his very own fan club. He is a very talented horse who enjoys his work. He's choosy about who he interacts with and he was the BOSS of our herd. He had an unfortunate accident and was nearly touch and go but with the help of our amazing medical team and his shear determination, he pulled through. We now refer to him as the Chairman of the board as he is still as bossy as always but is loving life with his companion Penny next to the herd so that he doesn’t do his old boss antics and injure his leg which has healed well. However once you get Murphy's approval, be ready for cuddles and scratches as he will tell you what he likes and how he likes it! Murphy is the ultimate schoolmaster. Murphy will never be ridden again but has found a love of liberty which he loves to show off - he’s also super chatty and a very talented healer.



Coco is a very sensitive mare who used to be a very worried individual. These days, she is Queen of the castle and our lead mare. Coco loves to talk so she will keep you entertained for hours if she has a say in it. She absolutely loves exploring and walks on the beach but be warned, she likes to splash... a lot. You'll have to earn your Coco cuddles, however if you're gentle and respectful get ready for cuddles Coco style. Coco is currently in competition training but always happy to say hello in the paddock.



Artax our 2IC, has been there and done that! He was a working equitation star, has taught adults and children to ride, been a race horse, loves his dressage with an extended trot to die for and is now ready to help you with your journey. Artax is the ultimate superstar schoolmaster - our beautiful golden boy - successful racehorse, successful dressage super star and magnificent healer.


Horse Sense

Being a good horse person isn’t about certain techniques when you’re training but it is a mindset to hold every time you are around your equine partner.


Gentle giant Jerry is exceedingly kind and a gentle soul. Jerry wasn’t very good as a pacer and only won $1000 and therefore needed nurturing to achieve his full potential. He loves being off the track and is thriving with our techniques and his regulars become family. He absolutely loves cuddles, treats and FOOD! This guy is perfect if you need some chill out time and a safe partner. Of course no horse is bomb proof but he will look after you if you respect his boundaries. Jerry’s dance card is always full as once you meet him, you fall in love as we have.



Beautiful Winky was an extremely successful pacer and is loving her new life as healer! Winky is soft and gentle but quite the mare. She knows who she wants to play with and makes them feel very special when she makes her mind known! Winky is Jerry’s niece and is our little ray of sunshine - heading out in the forest with Winky is just so much fun!



Magic is our fabulous warmblood. Having been through trauma, Magic understands your inner pain and is patient with you whilst helping you work through what you need. Magic has now grown up and turned into a beautiful powerful and talented competition warmblood. We are so proud of her journey.


Miss Money Penny

Penny is our adorable and inquisitive Brumby pony. As a yearling, she was off to become dog meat, luckily she came home and has since turned in to a little star. Her groundwork is outstanding, she loves liberty work, beauty treatments, mud, being groomed is one of her favourite things, she excels at jumping and is the herd's cheeky little monster as well as peace keeper - everyone loves Penny. Penny is so clever and the most wonderful best friend you could ever wish for.



Baby is our youngest herd member and has been on a long healing journey of her own - it really was touch and go as to whether we would ever get her paddock sound but with our amazing medical team’s support we got her through to the other side and seeing her now race the other herd members has brought a few tears to those who helped her pull through and start to grow into the beautiful strong horse that she now is. We have started her ridden journey but are taking it slow so as to keep her healthy and answer all her questions. She is loved by all and is quite the people pleaser. Baby is still growing and looks to be trying to reach Jerry’s height.



Atticus is our adorable Barbie pony - he is just so beautiful, talented and soft. He is quite cheeky with a heart of gold, loves cuddles and once you have won his heart, you have a friend for life. He is one of our most playful herd members.



Rosie may be a our smallest herd member but she is boss of the minis and is absolutely adorable. She is our most patient mini sized teacher and waits for her regulars all day as she just can’t wait to play with them - she will start pacing and waiting a good hour before they are due to arrive - she just loves loves loves teaching, cuddling and being spoilt. Don’t let her size fool you - if you fancy playing with a very talented miniature horse - Rosie is a lot of fun and knows it all.



Daisy is our youngest mini and is the sweetest little pocket rocket. She tries so hard and has the kindest nature. She thinks her little friends are the best ever and looks forward to hanging out with her regulars. She sprinkles a little fun onto everything she does. Daisy can do everything the big horses do just with the cute factor that comes with being her size.



Our adorable Palouse Pony very rarely has a dance spot available as he is a favourite among our community - his liberty is outstanding, he has no fear and has so much empathy for his non verbal clients - he doesn’t appreciate being bounced on but his riders try really hard to support him with this request. Jasper really is one in a million - his excited calls when he spots one of his friends is absolutely heart melting. He also loves all herd members and doesn’t always understand herd hierarchy but tries hard.



Norman is our newest herd member and is Nat’s personal project. He is a beautiful warmblood originally from Victoria who has been thrown in the deep end and is settling in to his new life. Nat is excited to see what Norman brings to this next chapter.


Chief Mouser

You will often find this princess wandering around hunting or demanding gentle strokes - always on her terms.


Be empowered.

Allow our master horse teachers to empower you to be your best you. To accept the exceptional being that is you.

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